
Indianapolis Weather and Climate

As is the case with other cities in the Midwest, Indianapolis has a humid continental climate. The year can be divided into four distinct seasons. Summer commences by end of May and the months of June, July and August are the hottest. July also happens to be the wettest month and this contributes to overall humidity. This often causes the city to seem more hot that it actually is. Autumn is pleasant as temperature dips and leads to Winter in the months of November, December and January.



Winters are very cold and the city receives significant amount of snowfall in this seasons. Spring is a pleasant time with cool temperatures and low humidity. However, temperature variations are common and a very hot day is often followed by snowfall in a span of 72-96 hours. Such variations in temperatures are not common except during the Spring season. This often leads to relatively high or low temperatures as Winter ends.

Weather conditions are generally stable and one can easily predict how hot or cold a day is going to be without any difficulty. This is evident from the fact that Indianapolis is very popular amongst tourists throughout the year. Favorable weather conditions also helps organize the various sporting events that the city is famous for. Drastic variations in conditions during the day are not common. Weather follows the set pattern except for minor variations that are common throughout the world.

Annual precipitation is concentrated in the months of May to July and the city receives bulk of its precipitation during thunderstorms. It also receives a fair share of precipitation in the form of snow. It is common for temperatures to fall below zero for at least seven days in a year. The combination of snow and rain ensures the city gets an annual precipitation of around 41 inches.