
New Orleans Weather and Climate

New Orleans is situated in the humid sub-tropical zone so the climate in the city usually is made up of hot and humid summer and winter that are mild and not very severe. The average temperature during the summer season in this city is around 23 degree Celsius being the minimum and around 33 degree Celsius recorded as maximum. In fact the highest temperature of 39 degree Celsius was recorded on August 22nd 1980. The winters are not very severe and during this season the temperature hovers around 17 degree Celsius being the maximum and around 6 degree Celsius as minimum.

Temperatures during winter very rarely go below the freezing point but there are some exceptions to the rule. February 13th 1899 saw the minimum temperature dip to -14 degree Celsius which is more of an aberration than a rule. The average humidity level is around 64.2 inches and monsoon usually occurs during the summer months. New Orleans sees its driest period during the month of October and even in winter humidity sometimes is on the higher side with the passing of cold fronts.

New Orleans is also very notorious for hurricanes which are a constant threat to this city. This is because the city is on a low elevation and also because of the fact that it is surrounded by water on three sides i.e. north, east and south. In fact there are quite a few reports which suggest that amongst all the major cities in the United States, New Orleans is the most prone city as far as hurricanes and storms are concerned.

The city has a big history of major hurricanes and the latest one was hurricane Gustav in 2008 which left behind a tale of disaster and destruction. So, when a person is visiting New Orleans he / she should be aware of the warm summer climate and also the risk of being caught up in a hurricane which might come unnoticed.