
Jobs in Greensboro

Greensboro, fondly called Cowtown, with a population of about 223,900, can be a great location for living and working. The areas around Greensboro and the city itself are home to companies large and small that are always looking for good employees. A number of well-known businesses have offices and facilities here in Greensboro. A large number of companies, and the local government, have job openings, and forecast this to continue. Those who are talented and well-qualified will find quite a few jobs available. Continue reading below, and you'll see we have provided you with specific details about employment and employment opportunities in the city of Greensboro itself, as well as the nearby towns. If you have questions about current wages, job openings, and career areas with the best potential, we hope you find the following information helpful.

What do jobs pay in Greensboro? What are some the best-paying jobs?

Like think most people who are thinking about a new job, or moving to a different city, you will certainly be curious about how salaries compare. Having this kind of information is an important factor in deciding whether relocating to Greensboro or switching careers would be a smart move for your future. Another area of interest may be what the top-paying careers are here in the Greensboro metropolitan area. Salary data is readily accessible on the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website. We've pulled some sample data from the 2008 BLS wage survey from the database. The annual income in Greensboro was $45,424, on average, across all jobs and professions. Those holding management positions in the Greensboro area make about $101,680 per annum. If you want to earn a good income, but don't want to be a manager, for example, here are some high salary professions that employ over 1,800 people here in Greensboro.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th - 90th percentile
Accountants and auditors$61,720$39,600 - $89,690
Business operations specialists, all other$59,250$28,860 - $95,250
Registered nurses$59,070$44,850 - $78,370
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products$53,230$21,680 - $90,840
First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers$49,980$30,190 - $75,000

I'd like to know about the potential for growth in the number of jobs available... In which career fields will there be the most job openings over the next few years?

You're probably interested to learn not only what average salaries are, but like most people, that there will be more jobs available, not fewer, in the future in this career area. Another factor you may want to consider is which companies are doing well and expanding their offices, operations, or production capabilities. Fortunately, this data has been compiled for you, and it's easily accessible online. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a database on its website that has a wealth of information about all of these topics. In the greater Greensboro metropolitan area, here are a sample of jobs that over the next few years are predicted to have the most potential for job growth:

  • Physical therapist assistants and aides
  • Environmental engineering technicians
  • Healthcare support occupations
  • Occupational and physical therapist assistants and aides
  • Dental assistants
  • Employment, recruitment, and placement specialists
  • Occupational therapist assistants
  • Medical assistants

More detailed information about employment in Greensboro:

If you didn't see the career field or job you are interested in, simply follow this link, and it will take you to the BLS website employment database:

In addition, here are some websites that provide a list of job postings from Greensboro employers:

Need more training or want to learn about getting a degree?

32.0% of the people who call Greensboro home hold a baccalaureate degree, and those who hold a Master's degree are just 12.2% of the population. Another factor you may want to consider is which companies are doing well and expanding their offices, operations, or production capabilities. You have many affordable and flexible education options available in both degree programs and continuing professional education, which will give you an advantage and many more job opportunities. Don't put your future on hold any longer - your new degree can assist you in earning a higher paycheck soon. To learn more, click on this link: Online Colleges in North Carolina