
Jobs in McAllen

McAllen, known locally as Square Dance Capital of the World, home of about 106,400 residents, provides a great environment to live and work in. McAllen and its metropolitan areas are home to companies large and small that provide many jobs for local residents. A number of well-known businesses have located headquarters or large local offices or production facilities in the McAllen area. Many of these companies, as well as government agencies, are hiring new employees, or will in the future. Good workers seeking new jobs can find quite a number of job openings in their career field. The following paragraphs provide a lot of information about the job market and employment in the greater McAllen metropolitan area. If you're curious about the job market and your earnings potential in McAllen, the following data should be of interest to you.

What are the salaries like in McAllen? What are some of the jobs which have the highest salaries?

When you're looking for a new job, or thinking of relocating, you are probably also curious what to expect in terms of wages. Information about salaries can certainly contribute to deciding if a new job or a move to McAllen would be in your best interest. Another area of interest may be what jobs in McAllen have the highest earning potential. Information like this, fortunately, can be found on a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website database. Here are some examples of data available from the BLS database, for the year 2008 wages. The annual income in McAllen was $37,687, on average, across all jobs and professions. Those holding management positions in the McAllen area are earning $80,860 on average annually. Not everyone wants to be a manager; here is a sample of some of the good paying jobs this area has to offer, that employ, here in the McAllen area, at least 1,350 people.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th - 90th percentile
Registered nurses$69,360$46,420 - $92,090
Secondary school teachers, except special and vocational education$54,660$38,360 - $72,340
Middle school teachers, except special and vocational education$52,090$37,380 - $68,200
Elementary school teachers, except special education$50,680$36,420 - $67,520
Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses$46,580$31,010 - $59,920

Are there going to be more jobs in this career field in the future? Are there some career fields that will have a lot of job openings over the next few years?

You probably have several things you'd like to know about jobs in McAllen - for example, average salaries, and that jobs will continue to be available to you in this profession. Perhaps you are curious about which companies may be moving to the McAllen area in the future, or report they are expanding their operations here. Fortunately, this data has been compiled for you, and it's easy to access from any computer. The Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics makes a huge database available which can answer almost any question about employment and jobs in America, including in McAllen. Here are just a few of the jobs in and around McAllen that are predicted to experience the greatest growth over the next several years in job openings:

  • Skin care specialists
  • Healthcare support occupations
  • Biochemists and biophysicists
  • Network systems and data communications analysts
  • Medical scientists, except epidemiologists
  • Physical therapists
  • Pharmacy technicians

McAllen data - find it here:

If you want information about annual salaries or potential job growth for some other jobs, the BLS employment database can provide that information:

Click on the links below to learn more about job postings from both the public sector and private companies in McAllen and the surrounding communities:

Need a higher degree, or some additional training?

22.0% of the people who call McAllen home hold a baccalaureate degree, and an even smaller percentage, 8.4%, have obtained a Masters of Science or Master of Arts Degree. Perhaps you are curious about which companies may be moving to the McAllen area in the future, or report they are expanding their operations here. You'll find there are more options than ever before to earn a degree or a professional certification, to open the door to a new career and a higher salary. Don't put your future on hold any longer - you'll be earning more money, in a better job, in a short time. To find out more, click on this link: Texas Online Schools