
Jobs in Beaumont

Beaumont, nicknamed the Big Money Texas, with a population of about 113,900, can be a great location for living and working. Beaumont and its metropolitan areas have large and vibrant business communities that offer some exciting employment opportunities. You'll probably recognize the names of many of the companies and organizations that are proud to call Beaumont home. Many are hiring now or will in the future. Qualified job-seekers will find quite a few jobs available. This page provides you with specific details about employment and employment opportunities in the city of Beaumont itself, as well as the nearby towns. If you want more information regarding what you could be earning, or about job opportunities here in the Beaumont area, the answers to many of your questions may be found below.

What are the salaries like in Beaumont? What are some the best-paying jobs?

Its only natural, when you are thinking about job opportunities or where you should live and work, to be curious what to expect in terms of wages. Information about salaries can certainly contribute to deciding whether to move to Beaumont, or change professions. Or it may be helpful to know the top-paying jobs here in Beaumont and the surrounding area are. Salary data can be found on a U.S. government Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website. We've pulled some sample data from the BLS database, for the year 2008 wages. For Beaumont, data shows salaries are on average, about $43,712. Individuals in managerial positions in Beaumont earn about $89,780. If you’re not looking for a managerial position, here is a sample of some of the good paying jobs this area has to offer, that employ, here in the Beaumont area, at least 1,000 people.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th – 90th percentile
First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers$70,650$37,230 - $104,750
Registered nurses$61,330$44,100 - $85,380
Petroleum pump system operators, refinery operators, and gaugers$60,850$41,360 - $77,410
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products$55,460$27,780 - $97,190
First-line supervisors/managers of construction trades and extraction workers$51,140$31,100 - $75,410

What potential is there for job growth? Will some professions have more job openings?

If you’re like most people, you’re not only concerned about what a job pays, but that your chosen career field offers some security and potential for advancement in the future. Job growth can sometimes be forecast by learning the types or names of companies that are considered to be in growth industries by economic experts. You don't need a crystal ball, or to do a lot of research - it is available to anyone with access to a computer, easily and quickly. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a database on its website that includes information about jobs, salaries, employment - nationally, by State, and by local area. To give you an example of what you can learn, here are some jobs in Beaumont that are predicted to experience the greatest growth over the next several years in job openings:

  • Survey researchers
  • Market and survey researchers
  • Physical therapist assistants and aides
  • Environmental engineering technicians
  • Pharmacy technicians
  • Employment, recruitment, and placement specialists
  • Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers

Want more information on jobs in Beaumont?

If data about jobs you are interested in wasn't on this page, the BLS employment database can provide that information:

Click on the links below to learn more about actual job openings available now in Beaumont:

Want to learn more about getting a degree or professional training?

About 33.0% of Beaumont residents have a Bachelor's degree, and those who hold a Master's degree are just 12.5% of the population. Job growth can sometimes be forecast by learning the types or names of companies that are considered to be in growth industries by economic experts. You have many affordable and flexible education options available in both degree programs and continuing professional education, to open the door to a new career and a higher salary. Don't put your future on hold any longer - find out how much that new degree can mean to you and your future. To get started today, just click here: Texas Online Schools