
Jobs in Toledo

Toledo, fondly called Corn City, with a population of about 313,600, provides a great environment to live and work in. The areas around Toledo and the city itself serve as a great location for many large and small companies in many business fields, that are looking for talented employees. Quite a few nationally-known companies are located in the greater Toledo metropolitan area. Many local government agencies as well as these private sector organizations are looking currently for new employees, or expect to in the future. Qualified job-seekers will probably have a number of job opportunities beckon. This page provides you with quite a bit of information about salaries and job opportunities in the city of Toledo itself, as well as the nearby towns. If you're curious about salaries, the job market, and potential for employment in the future, the following data should be of interest to you.

What can I expect to earn in Toledo? What are the some of the professions with the best pay potential?

Whether you're considering moving to a new city or are just getting started in the job market, you're probably thinking you'd like to know more about what you could earn. Having access to data about salaries is a often key factor in deciding if a new job or a move to Toledo would be in your best interest. Or it may be helpful to know the top-paying jobs here in Toledo and the surrounding area are. Fortunately, this type of information can be found on a Department of Labor website that provides access to a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) database. To give you an idea of what is available, here is some information for 2008, from the BLS wage survey, pulled from the website database. For Toledo, data shows salaries are $44,729, on average, across all jobs and professions. In the greater Toledo area, managers in all professions report annual earnings of $95,640. If you're not looking for a managerial position, for example, here are some high salary professions with over 2,700 people employed in each type of job shown.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th - 90th percentile
Registered nurses$56,830$41,530 - $78,000
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products$51,190$25,940 - $83,050
Truck drivers, heavy and tractor-trailer$40,950$27,130 - $59,240
Maintenance and repair workers, general$37,240$18,990 - $56,450
Team assemblers$35,530$21,960 - $52,510
Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks$32,860$21,340 - $45,420

Tell me about the potential for job growth... Will some professions have more job openings?

If you're like most people, you're not only concerned about what a job pays, but you also want to know there will be jobs available with promotion potential. You may have questions about companies which are part of growing economic sectors. You can get answers to many of these questions, and it's easily accessible online. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a database on its website that includes information about jobs, salaries, employment - nationally, by State, and by local area. To give you an example of what you can learn, here are some jobs in Toledo that are forecast to have the largest increase in job openings in the future:

  • Biochemists and biophysicists
  • Environmental science and protection technicians, including health
  • Dental hygienists
  • Environmental engineering technicians
  • Computer software engineers, systems software
  • Physical therapist assistants and aides
  • Veterinarians
  • Personal financial advisors

For more information about jobs in Toledo:

If you want more detailed information, or information for other types of jobs, the BLS employment database can provide that information:

In addition, here are some websites that provide job postings from both the public sector and private companies in Toledo and the surrounding communities:

Need a higher degree, or some additional training?

31.0% of the people who call Toledo home hold a baccalaureate degree, and about 11.8%. have a Master's degree. You may have questions about companies which are part of growing economic sectors. Affordable, flexible programs are offered by many schools to earn a degree or a professional certification, to open the door to a new career and a higher salary. There is no time like the present to get started with an online program - find out how much that new degree can mean to you and your future. To find out more, click on this link: Online Schools in Ohio