
Jobs in Erie

Erie, known locally as The Flagship City, where some 103,700 people reside, can be a great location for living and working. The city and surrounding communities are home to companies large and small that provide many jobs for local residents. You'll probably recognize the names of many of the companies and organizations that are proud to call Erie home. A large number of companies, and the local government, have job openings, and expect job growth to continue. Those who are talented and well-qualified will find quite a few jobs available. Below you'll find quite a bit of information about salaries and job opportunities in the greater Erie metropolitan area. If you want more information regarding what you could be earning, or about job opportunities here in the Erie area, we hope you find the following information helpful.

What do jobs pay in Erie? What are the some of the professions with the best pay potential?

Like think most people who are thinking about a new job, or moving to a different city, you will certainly be curious what to expect in terms of wages. This type of information could help you decide whether relocating to Erie or switching careers would be a smart move for your future. You may want to find out what jobs in Erie have the highest earning potential. Information like this, fortunately, is accessible to anyone with computer access through a Department of Labor website that provides access to a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) database. Here is some information for wage data from 2008 from the BLS database. The annual income in Erie was on average, about $42,335. Those holding management positions in the Erie area earn about $83,610. If you’re not looking for a managerial position, you might consider some of these jobs, that pay extremely well, and that employ, here in the Erie area, at least 1,750 people.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th – 90th percentile
Registered nurses$54,980$41,640 - $69,530
Elementary school teachers, except special education$48,640$25,940 - $67,020
Customer service representatives$30,660$18,300 - $45,540
Secretaries, except legal, medical, and executive$28,170$19,250 - $38,500
Office clerks, general$26,730$16,960 - $38,010
Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants$24,580$16,580 - $37,500
Retail salespersons$22,170$15,220 - $33,430

Are there going to be more jobs in this career field in the future? Will some professions have more job openings?

Like most people, knowing a job's salary is one important factor for you, and that there will be more jobs available, not fewer, in the future in this career area. Perhaps you are curious about which companies may be moving to the Erie area in the future, or report they are expanding their operations here. You can get answers to many of these questions, and it's easy to access from any computer. There is a BLS database which can answer almost any question about employment and jobs in America, including in Erie. Here are just a few of the jobs in and around Erie that are forecast to have the largest increase in job openings in the future:

  • Network systems and data communications analysts
  • Environmental science and protection technicians, including health
  • Healthcare support occupations
  • Athletic trainers
  • Anthropologists and archeologists

Want more information on jobs in Erie?

If data about jobs you are interested in wasn't on this page, simply follow this link, and it will take you to the BLS website employment database:

You may want to check out the links below for a list of job postings from Erie employers:

Need a higher degree, or some additional training?

Out of all the people who live in Erie, just 31.0% have a B.S. or B.A degree, and about 11.8%. have a Master's degree. Perhaps you are curious about which companies may be moving to the Erie area in the future, or report they are expanding their operations here. You 'll find programs to meet your budget and schedule to continue your profession education, or to earn a new degree, which will help you get that new job, or win a deserved promotion. Don't put your future on hold any longer - find out how much that new degree can mean to you and your future. To find out more, simply click on the link here: Online Schools in Pennsylvania